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The 10 Commandments: Perspectives on the Law  The decalogue of Moses was established as a summary of the expectations God had for those who would follow Him.  For centuries, the commandments have functioned to ground our culture and keep it from undoing itself.  More recently, multiple arguments have challenged the place of the commandments in society and even in the practice of both the Jewish and Christian faiths.  This multi-part series will chronicle and alert us to these changes and review how essential this list of guidelines is to believers in Messiah, but also to society as a whole.  Marion Bible Fellowship is partnering with Corner Fringe Ministries (Pastor Daniel Joseph) to present this challenge in a time it is desperately needed.

Any questions or comments as you explore this series, please email us.


The Ten Commandments Series

In cooperation with...

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Episode 1

The History and Role of the Commandments in Society

Topics covered include:

- The Ten Commandments, Christian Nation, Spirit of Antichrist, Law of God

- The Significance of The Ten Commandments in Human History.

- The Significance of Christianity in Colonial America.

- Biblical influence on American Jurisprudence, Governance, Education, Business, and Society at Large.

- War against the Law of God.

- The Ten Commandments in Courthouses.

- The Ten Commandments and Adolph Hitler.

- The Ten Commandments and Communist China.

- The Ten Commandments and the Modern Church.

- The Ten Commandments and YouTube.


Bible Verses Covered:

- Jeremiah 6:10

- Isaiah 30:8-12

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Episode 2

Voice of the Lord; Intro to the First Commandment; Out of Egypt

Topics covered include:

- The Voice of the Lord

- God's supernatural deliverance of Israel.

- Introduction to the First Commandment

- I am the Lord your God

- Out of Egypt

- Grace and obedience

- Grace and disobedience

- Righteousness


Bible Verses Covered:

- Deuteronomy 4:34

- Psalms 29:3-5

- Psalms 29:7-9

- Deuteronomy 5:23-25

- Genesis 3:8-10

- Job 42:5-6

- Isaiah 6:1

- Isaiah 6:5

- Exodus 20:1-2

- Exodus 13:7-8

- Deuteronomy 5:15

- Deuteronomy 6:20-21

- Deuteronomy 26:17-18

- Titus 2:11-14

- Psalms 119:88

- Leviticus 11:45

- 1 Peter 1:13-16

- 2 Timothy 2:19

- 1 John 3:3

- Romans 6:18

- 1 Peter 2:24

- Romans 1:5

- Exodus 20:2

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Episode 3

The First Commandment: You Shall Have No Other Gods Before Me

Topics covered include:

- The first commandment

- You shall have no other gods before Me

- A jealous God

- Inverted pagan prayers

- Stolen worship

- The deception of syncretism

- Ashera the consort

- Mary as the queen of heaven


Bible Verses Covered:

- Exodus 20:2

- Exodus 9:1

- Romans 6:14-16

- Exodus 20:3

- Isaiah 45:22

- Isaiah 42:8

- Exodus 34:14

- Proverbs 6:34

- Proverbs 27:4

- Deuteronomy 4:19

- Acts 17:28-30

- Habakkuk 3:3

- Jeremiah 7:8-11

- Jeremiah 7:17-18


Other Sources cited:

- Josephus, Antiquities

- LXX (Septuagint)

- Prayer To Marduk

- Prayer To the Gods of the Night

- The Shamash Hymn

- Cleanthes, Hymn of the Praise to Zeus

- The Inscriptions (Pithos A and B)

- Regina Caeli (Queen of Heaven Prayer)

- Saint Basil the Great

- Saint Maximillian Kolbe

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Episode 4

The First and Second Commandments; How They Fit Together; Idolatry

Topics covered include:

- Commandments 1 & 2

- The first and second commandments fit together

- You shall have no other gods before Me

- You shall not make for yourself a carved image/you shall not bow down before them, nor serve them

- Idolatry and fornication

- Idolatry and human vanity

- Idolatry and monarchs

- How the devil tempts us and how God tests us


Bible Verses Covered:

- Exodus 20:3

- Exodus 20:4-5

- Numbers 25:1-2

- Deuteronomy 7:4

- 1 Kings 11:4-5

- Zephaniah 1:5b

- 1 Kings 11:7-8

- Colossians 3:5

- Deuteronomy 13:1-3

- John 14:15

- Deuteronomy 13:4-6

- Jeremiah 44:17-18


Other Sources cited:

- The Book of the Wisdom of Solomon 14:12-16

- The Book of the Wisdom of Solomon 14:27

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Episode 5

Jacob's Authority; Common Idols; Spiritual Leadership


Topics covered include:

- Jacob's authority

- Commandments one and two, continued

- Jacob, Leah and Rachel and Laban's household idols

- A good wife

- Spiritual leadership in the home

- The power of the Gospel

- The vastness of idolatry in our hearts

- Idolatry and forsaking your first love

- Approaching God with a clean heart

- Common idols


Bible Verses Covered:

- Exodus 20:3-4

- Genesis 31:1-9

- Genesis 31:14-17

- Genesis 31:19

- Genesis 35:1-4

- Luke 13:24

- 1 Samuel 7:3

- Ezekiel 14:1-5

- Ezekiel 14:7-8

- 1 Timothy 6:10

- Ezekiel 14:6


Other Sources Cited:

- LXX (Septuagint)

- Targum Onkelos

- Targum Jonathan

- Household Gods (John H. Walton, Craig S. Keener, NIV cultural backgrounds study)

In cooperation with...

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Episode 6

The Golden Image; Obelisks; King Nebuchadnezzar & Jacob's Trouble


Topics covered include:

- The golden image

- The 18th year of King Nebuchadnezzar and Jacobs trouble

- Commandments one and two continued

- Idolatry (part 3)

- Obelisks

- 666 as an end time marker

- Noah and the book of Daniel as prophetic end time markers

- Church father Irenaeus's commentary on the end times

- The deception of trusting in idols and swearing allegiance to false gods

- Though none go with me, still I will follow


Bible Verses Covered:

- Daniel 3:1

- Jeremiah 52:29

- Daniel 3:2

- Daniel 3:3a

- Daniel 3:3b

- Daniel 3:4-6

- Job 2:4


Other Sources Cited:

- LXX Daniel 3:1a

- LXX Daniel 3:1b

- Irenaeus

- 1 Maccabees 1:41-43

- 1 Maccabees 1:48b-50

- 1 Maccabees 2:15-18



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